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Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wedding Checklists & Wedding Gowns

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Yesterday was my first day of the year in the office and what a surprise! Nothing. Haha.. (Just kidding)...

I was just so happy I have internet access again and so searched for checklists that I can download and use for the wedding preparations. So far the progress has been quite satisfying. And to help other bride-to-be's in their own wedding preps, I have uploaded my checklists and other templates, just as a teeny tiny help for you. The zip file contains the following:
  1. Wedding Gift Tracker (excel);
  2. Wedding Budget Tracker (excel);
  3. Wedding Planner Notebook (for MS OneNote);
  4. Wedding Planning Tracker (for MS Project); and
  5. Wedding Day Emergency Kit list (for MS Word)
here's the link to the zip file:

I also thought I can suggest to Tom the flowers to be used, downloaded some pictures from the internet also, like these:

And also some possible gown designs... He liked the princess-ish look of the picture with the word "noble" on it. It looked good, but a bit too costume-y, wouldn't you say?

Last Tuesday we already signed the papers for a house somewhere down south, we also saw the model house and were convinced that we can have one like it.

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