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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cramming... And sometimes, Work is a Burden

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So far, so good...

At least that's what I think...

We're a bit busy cramming for the wedding preparations and what's a bit annoying is that the nearer the wedding date is, the more "office-related" things kind of appear out of nowhere and then voila! It already has a deadline and I'm told that I have been told about it before and that I'm the one slacking. Hmmm... Kinda fishy... But I'm too pumped up to care.

I'm more concerned about other things - like our health and our appearance when THE day comes. Darn it, we're so pre-occupied nowadays and we're becoming to super stingy that we imagine that we can't even afford one full hour of decent body massage. Not even a hot oil treatment! (But that's ok, I have such long hair that even a hot oil treatment would be so damn expensive! Ugh!)

So things to do for the next 2 days:
  1. 2 reports from the office
  2. 1 audit program/schedule
  3. SOPs for my department
  4. meetings, meetings, meetings

And for my wedding:
  1. proof read the invitation from Paperworks (SM Cebu Branch)
  2. contract for the invitation printing
  3. purchase the frames (what the heck they're for? hahaha! it's a surprise!)
  4. find me a makeup artist (I think I'm going for Bobbi Albert. Whatya think?)
  5. follow-up the gowns
  6. convince Tom to stop overthinking everything and to chill 'coz I think he's gonna break down sooner or later if he doesn't relax
  7. Downsize my guestlist, and
  8. Check my checklist!
That's pretty much it! Goodluck to me..... Oh crap...

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