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Monday, July 6, 2009

Run Florist Run

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Just joking....!

After having a blast testing out our food for the reception and also to sign the contract, we went directly to our church to talk to our pastor's wife for the pre-marriage counselling...

We even thought our appointment was cancelled because the signage said "closed".

Guess we were wrong.

It was a lovely session, with lots of valuable input. I thought we needed more time and more points to consider. Maybe we'll have it continued it Mrs. J had more time in her hands. What was a bit amusing was that I always thought she was a "small but terrible" type of person. Turns out she was just as normal as normal could be. And quite lovely too. Very pretty for a 74-year-old lady whose height cannot begin to represent her hugely timid, soft-spoken and yet impressive personality.

After the said "talk", we went to karbon to meet with our florist for the first time. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Jun CaƱete of He promised to make my wedding "the bomb"! (So here's his photo...just in case.. lol!)


ps: updated the mini-invite already..

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