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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Preparing the Pouches

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Sam suggested we use pouches instead of the packaging material itself - and we all knew she had the nicest of ideas ever.

And so here we are, fumbling with the pouches, trying to change the string from gold to the navy blue ribbons that we were supposed to use for the formal invitations.

This is Sam (at least half of her..)

This is the ramble of the pouches, strings, and ribbons.

and this is Tom (look at his expression - seems seriously busy, right?)

Multi-tasker Sam. Watching tv as we work.

this will be the finished product. :)

And oh, in case you missed the updates, here are the links to the RSVP page and the online gift registry (if you opt not to give us cash - lol!).

  2. RSVP

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